Ego Custom Wheels
It all progressed with a dear situation, a dearest concern with bikes. Eternally ever since they can recollect they have been motorcyclists, bikers at emotion and bikers by passion.That dear and desire situation decoded a dream into the initiative that you comprehend currently.
It all progressed with a dear situation, a dearest concern with bikes.Eternally ever since they can recollect they have been motorcyclists, bikers at emotion and bikers by passion.That dear and desire situation decoded a dream into the initiative that you comprehend currently.Even though the people cherished the alterations nearby them, an inborn trust in the team and their imagination pressed these geniuses to generate a universe of their own where they could shape what they foresee, precisely the method they want to.

Their visualizations and visions are now impending factual through formed iron, rubber and above all a rider’s heart. Ego has its highlights determinedly set on founding not only themself in the domestic market but also to place India on the global auto customization map. India has no deficiency of auto revision and customization ability and EGO Custom Wheels has made their task to demonstrate it to the domain.
Talking about Ranvijay in this mission and his evident true love for his bikes.This growing star in the entertainment industry carries his originality and widespread awareness of bikes and cars in India and abroad to theorize a masterwork. He is not only practically creative but also a marketing maestro. His relentless essence and “go-getter” boldness make him the leader of bike conceptualization and customization.
His initial bike grasps an extraordinary place in his heart and is still in his ownership. He had it reformed into a “Ducati” with the money he earned working summer jobs in USA. He has also had his car modified to contest his cool guy appearance with custom wheels, rims and a custom paint job.Along with him, he has a team working independently with him, solving the grey areas in the work field each day.